1st Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Short History 1965 to 1971
All photographs are the property of RHQ Argylls and may not be reproduced or copied without permission from RHQ Argylls.
Selerang Bks, Singapore. Early Jan A Coy provided a Guard of Honour for the visit of the Minister of Defence Army the Rt. Hon F.W. Mulley. 1 Feb battalion advance party moved from Singapore to Borneo. 4 Feb Main body of battalion sailed on HMT Auby from Singapore to Borneo to begin 2nd tour of Borneo. 23 March Air platoon joined battalion. 26 May Pte Hill B Coy was killed in action near Biawak, Sarawak. Mid June battalion finished 2nd tour of Borneo. Sept WO1 (RSM) W McKerron took over as RSM from WO1 (RSM) R B Harris. 10 Sept – Oct Pipes & Drums and Military Band tour Japan. 4 Oct Pte Elliot was buried with full military honours in the military cemetery at Ulu Pandan. 25 November A Coy sailed on HMT Auby from Singapore to Kuching, Borneo to start the Bn’s 3rd tour. 26 November Remainder of battalion sailed on LSL Sir Lancelot from Singapore to Kuching, Borneo to take over from 40 Commando RM.
Selerang Barracks
Borneo. Mid Feb to early March Operation “Mixed Bag” - the incursion of regular Indonesian Troops into Sarawak took place. 14 April A Coy flew by Beverly from Borneo to Changi, baggage left on HMT Empire Ga? 19 April Pipes and Drums and Military Band beat retreat on the Padang at Kuching. Battalion finish 3rd tour of Borneo. 28 April B Coy and most of HQ Coy left Kuching on LST “Sir Lancelot” for Singapore. 29 April D Coy sailed on HMT Auby for Singapore. 1 May battalion complete in Singapore. 7-28 May Bn Block leave. 6 June Cadres and courses begin for the Bn’s new role in Plymouth. 6 July B Coy provide Guard of Honour for the visit of Rt. Hon Dennis Healey, Minister of Defence. 27 July Annual admin. inspection by Maj. Gen Henson, OC Singapore area. Oct Bn handed over Selerang Bks, Singapore to 1 KSLI and moved into Seaton Bks, Plymouth. 21 November Bn reform at Seaton Bks after 6 weeks leave. November/Dec Bn had a very busy month, with the accent on re-organisation, fitness training and minor tactics, before having block leave over the Christmas and New Year period.
Seaton Bks, Plymouth. 12 Jan Lt Col C C Mitchell takes over as Co from Lt Col M R Wallace. 19 Feb-6 March battalion at Stanford Training Area. March battalion on Easter leave. 29 March battalion began Internal Security Training for Aden tour. 18 April Lt Gen. Sir Geoffrey Baker GOC Southern Command visited the Bn. early May Arabic language party leave for Aden. 5 June battalion advance party of 129 flies from Gatwick to Aden. 20-30 June battalion main body moved from Plymouth to Aden. 20 June Maj. BAE Malcolm, Pte J Hunter and Pte J Moore were killed in a terrorist ambush in Aden. 3 July battalion reoccupy Crater. Incidents in Crater see TRL Vol. 21 Sept 67. 21 July L/Cpl Willie Orr was killed in Aden. 4 Aug Cpl James Scott was killed in Aden. 26 November battalion evacuate Crater, battalion left Aden and returned to Plymouth. Went on block leave till 4th January 1968.
Seaton Bks, Plymouth. 4 Jan battalion returned from Xmas and New Year leave. 9 Feb Gen. Graham visited the Bn. March WO1 (RSM) D S Street took over as RSM from WO1 (RSM) W McKerron. 30 April - 20 May battalion Kape Tour. 18 May battalion received the Freedom of Campbelltown. 1-5 July battalion took part in a practice deployment to Cyprus (Ex Shake). 5-12 July battalion at Stanford Training area. 13 Sept Lt Col C C Mitchell handed over as Co to Lt Col A C S Boswell. 16 Sept-23 Oct battalion deployed to Cyprus for 6 weeks training. Sept/Oct Documentary film made about the Bn. 4 November Command Coy formed. Dec battalion spent the month as Spearhead of the Strategic Reserve. 28th Dec handed over spearhead duties and went on a fortnights leave.
Seaton Bks, Plymouth. 4 March Town Council of Falkirk gave the battalion a civic reception. Mid March battalion advance party moved to Berlin to begin taking over Montgomery Bks from 2 LI. April battalion moved from Seaton Bks, Plymouth to Montgomery Bks, Berlin. 17 May Allied Forces Day Parade in Berlin. 14 June Queen’s Birthday Parade Berlin, battalion, 1 Gloucesters and 1 Staffords on parade. July battalion training at Sennelager. Oct-November battalion had a Cadre period. Sept WO1 (RSM) W J Wilson took over as RSM from WO1 (RSM) D S Street. 17 Oct Sgts Mess dining out night, dining out WO1 Street and dining in WO1 Wilson. 28 Oct Adjutant General visited the Bn.
Montgomery Bks, Berlin. 30 April battalion had Annual Inspection by Berlin Brigade Commander. 9 May battalion get Freedom of Tobermory. 12-13 May battalion Highland Games. 23 May Allied Forces Day Parade Berlin. Late June-July battalion advance party move from Berlin to Fort George, take from 1 RHF. Mid July Royal Guard arrived in Fort George and go straight on leave. Late July Main body of battalion arrive in Fort George, flew into RNAS Lossiemouth having handed over to ? Queens Regt. Late July to Oct battalion provide Royal Guard at Balmoral under Maj. CPR Palmer. Early Aug Main body of battalion back from leave. 14 Sept-10 Oct battalion mounted a recruiting tour of the regimental area. 5th Oct HM the Queen visited the battalion at Fort George. 24 Oct Sgts Mess Balaklava Ball in Inverness (Drummossie Hotel). 9-20th Nov the battalion mounted a 2nd recruiting tour. 11th Dec Sgts Mess Xmas Draw. Dec to early Jan 465 men left battalion for other Scottish Regts and ERE Posts, most went on leave over Xmas and New Year then joined their new units in Jan 71.
Fort George
Fort George. 20 Jan Balaklava Company formed with a parade at Stirling Castle, OC Maj. Purvis-Hume, it was an airportable Coy and part of 24 Inf. Brig. End of Jan Balaklava Coy move from Fort George to Streatlam Camp, Barnard Castle. 7-11 May Balaklava Coy moved by air to Gibraltar for a 6 month tour. 13 Oct News from MOD that battalion is to be reformed. 9 November Balaklava Coy moved from Gibraltar to Barnard Castle, flew from Gibraltar to Middlesbrough. 10th Dec Balaklava Coy went on leave and returned from leave in 1972 to Ritchie Camp, Kirknewton.
Updated: 16 March 2015