1st Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Canterbury 2003 to 28 March 2006 |
All photographs are the property of RHQ Argylls and may not be reproduced or copied without permission from RHQ Argylls.
September 2003 saw the battalion finally reach Canterbury to join 16 Air Assault Brigade, after a delay of six months due to the invasion of Iraq. It would be fair to say that this Arms Plot move was the smoothest in recent years. 2nd Bn Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, who had been in Belfast for most of 2003, was delighted with their handover due to the excellent work of the QMs and CQMSs of both units. The move of the families to Canterbury went as well as can be expected and Captain Mackinnon and his small staff won the Stirling Cup for their excellent work planning two moves and executing one. The battalion received from 1st Bn Royal Irish Regiment as good a handover as could have been achieved given operational pressures. The battalion changed role and ORBAT on 8th October, welcoming a platoon from the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment on a two-year attachment. They will ensure that the battalion was fully manned whilst still deploying a Regimental Recruiting Team and X Platoon. The occasion was marked with aerial photographs of the Battalion. The end of the Northern Ireland tour was marked by the most welcome news that the Battalion had been jointly awarded the Wilkinson Sword of Peace for its work in Belfast in the aftermath of the Holy Cross Girls' School dispute.
Click picture to enlarge
Following two weeks' Post Operational Tour Leave, the battalion embarked on a frenetic re-roling programme with the main effort being the support and specialist platoons re-training. It was a pleasure to see the whole battalion cutting around with a real sense of purpose. Many were surprised and challenged by a return to Friday muster parades and Commanding Officer's runs! This sense of purpose was brought into stark relief when the Secretary of State for Defence announced in November that the Battalion was to be placed on 10 days notice to deploy to Iraq as a UK strategic reserve. Suddenly an OPTAG package for the whole battalion, including the Regimental Recruiting Team needed to be shoe-horned into the already busy programme, and still complete the re-roling by Christmas. This was done over a working long weekend in late November.
The battalion were made most welcome in Canterbury at all levels and the Jocks settled in well to the local community. Thanks to the sterling work of the Regimental Sergeant Major, many pubs and clubs have opened their doors to the Jocks which were hitherto closed to the Royal Irish. Major Ballantyne organised an outstandingly successful and well received Cocktail Party for the local civilian and military dignitaries. Meanwhile the battalion played 1 Parachute Regiment at rugby (won) and boxed 3 Parachute Regiment (lost). The football team played several local units in 4 Division, and was progressing satisfactorily in the Infantry Cup.
If anyone can put names to faces with rank, company, date and location. Please e-mail with page name, row number and picture letter to ayoung287@msn.com
Re-Badging Parade 28th March 2006
4 Division Major Unit Cup Final
Under Construction
Updated: 11 October 2014