1st Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Cyprus 1974
All photographs are the property of RHQ Argylls and may not be reproduced or copied without permission from RHQ Argylls.
On 29th May 1974 the Advance Party flew from RAF LEUCHARS in a Hercules aircraft to prepare for four weeks training, adventure training and recreation. The battalion had all reached Anzio Camp by Sunday, 9th June. The following morning two companies moved to set up camp in the South and West of Cyprus while a wide variety of minor activities swung into action—Waterskiing, offshore sailing, dinghy sailing, sub-aqua, parachuting including later free-fall parachuting and canoeing.
A few days later the first of many recreational bus trips to KYRENIA, FAMAGUSTA and SALAMIS pulled out. The Company Camps, apart from the obvious value of being away on their own, provided a base for section, platoon and company training in all phases of war. The Support Platoons and Recce Platoons camped at various sites and two of them went on "Ridge Walks" at TROODOS and the KANTARA Range.
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The battalion along with 24 Airportable Brigade and Signals Squadron were the first units to use Anzio Camp, so we found ourselves in our usual role of getting the place cleaned up and organized under the direction of the Quartermaster, who was given great assistance by Lt Col Ken Melley and his Training Camps Cyprus Staff. Brigadier Guy carried out his four day FFR visit to the battalion in our second week of training, and appeared impressed by what he saw. There was a wide variety of activity. A short but testing battalion exercise, followed by a Swimming Gala, wound up a good mixture of worthwhile military training and Mediterranean recreation.
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Visit to British Military Cemetery—NICOSIA
On Sunday, 23rd June, the Commanding Officer accompanied by the Padre and Adjutant took a small party of those who had served in the battalion in Cyprus in 1958/59 to the British Military Cemetery in NICOSIA. The Padre conducted a short service and wreaths were placed on the graves of Pte GAYLER, Pte DAVID MORRISON and Pte HICKINSON, all of whom were killed during the 1958/59 tour.
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If anyone can put names to faces with companies, dates and locations.
Please e-mail with page name, row number and picture letter to ayoung287@msn.com
Updated: 20 January 2015