1st Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Northern Ireland 28th July to 28th November 1972
All photographs are the property of RHQ Argylls and may not be reproduced or copied without permission from RHQ Argylls.
At 1220 hrs on Friday, 28th July, 1972 the 1st Battalion took over responsibility for Police Division H in Northern Ireland (area of Ops South Down and South Armagh). In the first 14 days the battalion had 9 shooting incidents, 9 bombs and 8 arsons, recovered 10 weapons, over 400 rounds of ammunition and over 20 lbs of explosives.
The battalion was the first of the "reformed" battalions to go to Northern Ireland and were the only one which managed to raise four rifle companies. It was widely spread in Northern Ireland with Battalion Headquarters, the Echelon and the Reconnaissance Platoon in Bessbrook Mill, D Company in Bessbrook Technical College, S Company in Newry and B Company split three ways with the Company Headquarters and 6 Platoon in Crossmaglen, 5 Platoon in Forkhill and 7 Platoon in Newtownhamilton. A Company were detached from the Battalion and were based in Dungannon and served a series of masters in the form of the 1st Battalion The Gordon Highlanders followed by the 1st Battalion The Queen's Own Highlanders and finally the 1st Battalion The Staffordshire Regiment. Throughout the battalion’s time it had an Armoured Squadron under command which initially was B Squadron The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and they were followed by A Squadron 17/21 Lancers.
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A great deal has been written about the troubles in Northern Ireland and the Army's role there and a great deal more will be written before the troubles are finally over, but there seems to be no doubt that the task given to the Army was almost certainly the hardest it has had to face since the war. The situation which faced the battalion varied from a full scale infantry battle on the border, during which over 1500 rounds were fired, to facing a mob of school children hurling bricks, bottles and stones in the towns. The battalion had to deal with shooting attacks, ambushes, mines on the roads, booby trapped vehicles, sniping, time bombs in buildings and cars, stone throwing, marches and demonstrations.
The Companies carried out foot and vehicle patrols by day and night, helicopter patrols, vehicle check points, ambushes and observation patrols. Throughout all these jobs the Jocks have showed their courage and skill, alertness, impartiality, politeness and good humour that they are in all respects worthy members of the "new" 1st Battalion and that the Regiment's name was in good hands.
The task done by the battalion was not achieved without cost and its casualties were eight Argylls and one Scots Dragoon Guard killed and ten wounded. 10th September Pte Duncan Mcphee and Pte Douglas Richmond were killed when their Saracen was blown up by a culvert bomb. 11th September L/Cpl William McIntyre died from wounds received in the Saracen culvert bomb. 22nd September 2/Lt Stewart Gardiner was killed in a terrorist ambush. 12th November Pte David Harper died after being struck by a train. 20th November Capt. DW Watson and C/Sgt James Struthers were killed by an explosion while investigating a farmhouse. 28th November Pte John McGarry died as a result of a tragic accident at a VCP. At this time when the remainder of us are at home with our families we remember them with pride for theirs is the true glory and to their families and friends we offer our deepest sympathy.
One of the more pleasing aspects of service in Northern Ireland was the chance it gave us to see a lot of well-known faces and amongst those who came and visited were:—Brigadier Sandy Boswell who paid his inaugural visit as Colonel of the Regiment, Lieutenant General Sir Henry Leask, Lieutenant Colonels John MacMillan, Gordon Highlanders, John Hopkinson, Queen's Own Highlanders, Andrew Myrtle, King's Own Scottish Borderers, Major General Worsley, GOC 3rd Division. Brigadier Ken Perkins, 24 Airportable Brigade, General Sir John Mogg, Adjutant General, Lieutenant General Sir Harry Tuzo, GOC Northern Ireland, Major General Robert Ford, Commander Land Forces, Lieutenant General Sir Cecil Blacker, Vice Chief of the General Staff, Mr Douglas, MP for Clackmannan, Mr Leon Uris, the author, Major lan Ker, Black Watch, Major Ian Christie, King's Own Scottish Borderers, Ex RSM Paddy Morrison and Captain Bill Tullett.
The Battalion handed over responsibility for Police Division H in Northern Ireland at 1640 hrs on Tuesday, the 28th November, 1972, to the 1st Battalion The Royal Hampshire Regiment. Thus ended the Battalion's first operational tour of Northern Ireland.
The battalion docked at Glasgow on the 29th of November to the sound of the Military Band playing "Seven Hundred Glengarried Men" and it is surely true that we are really marching again. The battalion had a very hectic four days in Kirknewton in which to unpack, check and clean stores and get organised before going off on leave until 3rd Jan 1973.
Set of pictures of Crossmaglen
Glengarry Tales
If anyone would like to add pictures to this page, please e-mail ayoung287@msn.com
Link to Web site on the 1972 tour: http://www.argylls-veterans.co.uk/
Updated: 24 February 2015